Thursday, March 10, 2005

'When Mobile Phones Go Bad!' Coming to a TV show near you

I'd like to make a prediction - in the very near future we're going to see a huge increase in the amount of dramatic - and gruesome - footage and photo stills on those news channels prepared to air them. We'll also see more compilation shows like 'When [Insert Noun of Choice Here] Go Bad!'.

The reason? As Joe Public gets more powerful gadgets like this Samsung 7MP phone/camera combo in his hands, we'll all become an army of gonzo news reporters. No matter where in the world an event takes place, someone will be nearby with a phone which doubles up as a camera or camcorder.

These schoolyard bullies in the UK took it one step further when they instigated, filmed and distributed their own production. Nothing reactive there, these thugs set out to do it. Where does it end? Snuff movie screensavers?


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