Friday, March 18, 2005

Phunny stuff

I've been waiting for years for the late Sir Denis Thatcher to come up with the goods. And now it looks like the deceased hubby of former UK milk snatcher prime minister iron lady Mags Thatch is just mailing everyone willy nilly.

Not the first time this has happened to me either. A number of widows in Africa were due to sort me out with a couple of million after their old men died under mysterious circumstances, but did they deliver? No they bloody didn't, they ended up shotgunning a million undeserving plebs.

[more here]

Friday, March 11, 2005

Free press release distribution

Just occurred to me that if I can't plug one of my own sites on my own blog, where can I plug 'em?

So: if you're looking for free press release distribution, you could do a lot worse than taking ClickPress for a spin.

News releases posted to ClickPress are crawled by all the major news search engines - click here for a Google News example.

If you're wondering where revenue comes from, paid-for updates will be available, but regular posts will remain free.

If you want to know more, drop me a line, otherwise feel free to make full use of ClickPress.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

'When Mobile Phones Go Bad!' Coming to a TV show near you

I'd like to make a prediction - in the very near future we're going to see a huge increase in the amount of dramatic - and gruesome - footage and photo stills on those news channels prepared to air them. We'll also see more compilation shows like 'When [Insert Noun of Choice Here] Go Bad!'.

The reason? As Joe Public gets more powerful gadgets like this Samsung 7MP phone/camera combo in his hands, we'll all become an army of gonzo news reporters. No matter where in the world an event takes place, someone will be nearby with a phone which doubles up as a camera or camcorder.

These schoolyard bullies in the UK took it one step further when they instigated, filmed and distributed their own production. Nothing reactive there, these thugs set out to do it. Where does it end? Snuff movie screensavers?

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mr. T and the amazing mass grave that isn't

Two great news stories, from opposite end of the pop culture spectrum. Or perhaps not.

Mr. T is back!

And the world's first 'mock' mass grave.